Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Engagement Shoot

So the scout shoot that was posted before was for this engagement shoot that was just done. And all I can say is how much fun Tanya & Eric were on their shoot.  Best way to describe it is young love, or almost high school butterflies during the shoot I say that because of the way they both of them were nervous kinda tense but in the long run we had a fun shoot.  It was majorly windy out there though but the semi posed fun and photos came out amazing. 

Tanya has been complimented on looking like a model and Eric a male model.  A beautiful couple that I had the privilege to photograph.

First off we started out at the red phone booths in Pasadena, Ca.

Then we had a little fun with that area kinda played musical benches to get the perfect light. 

Along with a little fun with some sign placement which was fun. 

 But I feel the best part of the phone booth shoot was the cute sarcasm that they had between each other along with their back story on the sarcasm.

The magazine images I feel were a great representation of two personality's coming together.  Then with each other peaking over each others shoulders showing interest in the two personality's

As the photo shoot progressed we went to city hall in Pasadena, Ca. as well our first stop was the perfect set of stairs lighting was perfect the curvature of the stair case. . . couldn't have ask for a better stair case the photos speak for them self. 

We did however run into another couple that just got married they did run into my shoot but I gave them the courtesy of shooting.  But it gave Eric & Tanya an idea of what to expect.

Second location in city hall was the little benches in the little garden area.  We had played on each others ideas to do different photos one fun idea came from my daughters love for pixar movies.  So we did a little up scene and just the fun level of the clients is what brought the images them self together.

Next we're off to the Colorado bridge a.k.a. "Suicide Bridge" Pasadena, Ca.  Man O Man what a beautiful bridge.  By this time we were coming up on sunset fast so I had gotten my lighting down and it was time to shoot.  Started by having Eric use a Minolta film camera to take photos of Tanya.

The energy of fun and love between the two was electrifying

Joking, playing just having fun while I photograph them. 


The way Eric & Tanya had fun with the situations are the reason the photographs came out so great.

I am looking forward to photographing their wedding and just running with it and doing what I do.  Doing what it takes to get the prefect photo.

Special Thank You to Eric & Tanya

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Scouting Locations

So this past weekend I was on a scouting shoot. Went out to Pasadena & South Pasadena, CA.
It was definitely eye opening. Honestly never knew what kind of town it was, A very old and vintage one. And one of my soon to be new favorite spots to go photograph.  Any one who knows of Pasadena or South Pasadena is probably already reading this and saying, "Duah!"

So the locations I went to photograph/ scout was City Hall. All I can say is wow the structure was absolutely beautiful. The arches, fountain and most of all the stairs.

  The Stairs.

The Fountain.

Also I check out some old school England style phone booths.

The way Pasadena/ South Pas. is all historic which is pretty awesome. Definitely a place for any photographer to go shoot.

One place I couldn't go check out but i will be soon was the infamous Suicide Bridge that will be a great shoot especially at sunrise when the fog is still heavy giving the ghostly sight and at sunset when the reds, oranges, yellows, and purples paint the sky. With a little titanium white to paint the clouds streaking across the sky. ( Little Bob Ross humor)

Another location I had the privilege to check out was the 87 year old Rialto Theater (only the outside).

Because it is unfortunately condemned which bites so bad, but if you want to step back in time and feel a little of the ol' historic Route 66, I would take a drive through good ol' South Pasadena and check out all the older buildings, as well as the old history it has to tell. One thing I did notice is you don't have too look very hard to see how historic and what a beautiful place it is to visit.

Hopefully one day I'll be able to get into the Rialto Theater and do some shooting in there and just to take a step back into time. To see what people saw back in 1924 and all through the 30's 40's & 50's up to 2007. To walk the same path as so many did. On those deep red velvety looking rugs, to walk up the stairs and look down upon the stage. Now that is something to photograph and talk about.

Pasadena is also home to one of the most historic horror flicks ever filmed. And is home to one of the most terrifying characters in the movie industry. The poster speaks for its self even though this is modern day Rob Zombie version.

*History is lost in its own remodel to survive, & preserve its self.

Well that's enough ranting for now.  I will be blogging about more shoots I will be doing and their locations as I scout them.  I hope you enjoy the reading and some of my photography.